Fractional Power

Access senior talent, drive growth, and achieve your goals faster with fractional leadership.

What is fractional leadership?

It means having part-time leaders fully integrated into your organization. They are no different from full-time hires; the distinction lies in the number of hours or days they dedicate to your company.

Unlike consultants or project-based professionals, fractional leaders don't have an end date on their contracts. They can work with you for an extended period, adapting to your evolving needs as your company grows.

Why should you consider fractional leaders?

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Save on cost

You get a seasoned executive at a fraction of the cost of a full-time hire.

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Solve challenges fast

Leverage the executive's skills, experience, and network to quickly solve challenges and build capabilities.

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Find the right lead for the long run

Fractional leaders enable you to address leadership needs immediately while also giving you the time to find the perfect full-time hire.

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Put your energy where it matters most

Use the council and time you get back to focus on building a thriving business.

How Moonshot goes further


In addition to fractional leadership, we also offer advisory and project-based services.

This gives you the flexibility to build the capabilities you need, when you need them.


You will require expertise across multiple functions as you grow. That's why we offer expertise across finance, HR, marketing, sales, and product.

All the expertise you need is available in one place. This comprehensive approach ensures you receives holistic guidance and support.


We understand the importance of rapid scaling, and our business services facilitate just that.

Whether you need to quickly expand your marketing efforts, optimize your HR processes, or streamline your finance operations, our specialists are here to help.

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